Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Mario Birthday Cupcakes! Treasures and Trinkets Linky Party!

It’s that time again…..Treasures and Trinkets Linky Party! Link up something you love and link back to my blog….that’s it! Now have some fun! I KNOW, SO easy!

I have so much to show you guys!  My son’s Mario party went great and he had such a wonderful time!  I thought I’d show you some of the fun things we did over the next couple of days and give you some ideas you could use to have a Mario party of your own.
Let’s do a tutorial to make these adorable Mario mushroom cupcakes! I saw this on pinterest somewhere, but can't find who to give credit to...if you know, let me know!

mario mushroom cupcakes

First I started with some yummy double fudge cupcakes….
mushroom cupcakes

Then I bought these little flower pots from the Dollar Tree.  I also picked up some lollipop sticks.
Mario mushroom cupcakes

I have to say, I had so much going on, I decided to cheat and use a canned icing.  I don't really like the taste of this stuff, but 10-12 year old boys could care less, so I went with it!

I used a Wilton gel food coloring to color the icing green…..
green food coloring

This is the nice green color my icing ended up being.
icing with green food coloring

I used an icing bag and piped the green icing onto my double fudge cupcakes…
iced cupcakes

I bought some brownie bites from Walmart for the mushroom tops….
brownie bites

See, they have the perfect little mushroom shape…
brownie bites

Next, I took some large sized marshmallows………

and used this food grade marker….
food coloring marker

to do this………….

mario mushroom

Next, you take the marshmallow heads and push them down on your lollipop sticks….leave a little piece of the stick poking out the top, like this…..

This is where you will stick the brownie top on……
mario mushroom cupcake
Ain’t he cute?! Smile
I used some white icing in a piping bag…..
icing bag

to add the spots on the mushroom head, like this………….

add icing spots

Now you take your little flower pots…


Stick two marshmallows in the bottom of each pot to help raise your cupcakes up to the top.  (this only shows one marshmallow, but put two side by side or your cupcake will wobble)
extra marshmallow in bottom

Place your cupcakes inside your little flower pots….
mario mushroom cupcakes

Then you stick your lollipop down in your cupcake….
          mario mushroom cupcakes

This is what you’ll end up with….
mario mushroom cupcakes

I only made 10 of the flower pot mushroom cupcakes, the rest I did the following to……….

mario mushroom cupcakes

Hope you enjoyed the tutorial on the Mario Mushroom cupcakes!
mario mushroom cupcakes

Have a great day!

This linky list is now closed.


Donna@Conghaile Cottage said...

"Happy Birthday Mario"!!! Your cupcakes are fantastic and look SO YUMMY and FUN! LOVE those little brownie caps...
Hugs to you,

morninglorycottage said...

These were great. As for the icing I'm with you. Store bought eeewwww..... Have a great Thursday.

Anonymous said...

This is so great and I know a 30 year old who would love to have this for his birthday.

Crystal Rose Cottage said...

So cute Missy! Did you make this up yourself? If you did, you are so creative! Have I told you that before??? lol Looks Carson had a great party!~Hugs, Patti

Marilyn said...

The boys probably "get" Mario, but I sure don't. He must be a character from cartoons or a video game? I'm really out of the loop for boys and their interests! But I do know CUTE! ♥♫

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

These are just about the cutest ever. Great tutorial also. Love them. I am sure he had a super birthday. Thanks for hosting such a fun party. Hugs, Marty

afistfullofweeds* said...

Girl I think I want a Mario party!! Those things look scrumptious!!

Diann said...

Oh Missy! these turned out so cute!!

Roeshel said...

Super cute Missy! Perfect for Mario lovers! This is my 'to make' list with my daughter. :)

I didn't know you made REAL cupcakes too! haha

Athena said...

Your cupcakes are so adorable. I'm so glad I found your site.

Robyn said...

Missy, those cupcakes seriously ROCK! O bet Carson LOVES them! You are some creative lady!BTW,I'm having a fabulous Shabby Apple giveaway, so stop by if you have a moment!

Unknown said...

Missy these are so freakin cute!! I love how creative you were with them. Wow you did a great job. :)

gail@My Repurposed Life said...

cute! you are so creative... such a great mom!

My Cottage Charm said...

Thanks so much guys! I'm really glad you like my cupcakes...Carson loved them too! :) said...

You're knocking these Mario projects out of the park. I would love to link to these as well!

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