Wednesday, January 12, 2011

How to install wire shelving- Boys Bathroom Closet Organization! Treasures & Trinkets

It's Treasures and Trinkets Linky Party TIME!
Link up something you love!
You know what I LOVE?
Today I'm going to show you a place in my home
that not many people see,
but it drives me crazy!

Let me first tell you that we bought our house
repossessed, and the previous owners took
EVERYTHING they could with them...
even down to the closet organization systems!

We've slowly been working our way through the house
replacing all those, but this little closet
 was WAY down
on the list of re-dos...
until NOW!

So here is a pic of what the poor little closet
looked like before I started organizing!

I had purchased these clear drawers as a
temporary storage system for this closet
and let me tell you it wasted a LOT
of valuable space~!

See all that wasted space up there!!!

I decided it was time to tackle the situation,
and made a trip to Lowes.
(it's very dangerous to my wallet that Lowes
is only 2 miles from my house! lol)

I purchased all the items below:

I got 20" deep wire shelving
(12 feet long, cut into 5 shelves the width of the closet)
and I bought 20" deep brackets to go with it.


I also splurged a little and got the fast track system instead
of just getting the little brackets
 and support arms I was going to get.

With this system, you just hang the one bar at the top
of the closet and then the standards hang on it.
 (standards are the lengths of metal the brackets connect to) 
It looks like this....

My first plan was to use my handy dandy
stud finder and hang the bar on a stud...
but alas, I have a studless closet!
This is stud finder for those of you that
have studs.

Since there were no studs,
 I opted to use these molly anchors instead.....

If you've never used these, they are pretty simple,
you just unscrew the screw from the anchor bracket part,
 put it through the hole of whatever you're
wanting to hang. Screw the anchor back on like above,
then drill a hole in the wall that the anchor will fit into
when it's pinched like this.

Then you just screw the screws in until it gets tight like this...

The anchors get tight against the inside of your drywall and hold
a pretty good amount of weight!

Then it was time to hook on the standards
like this....

Next we used regular wall anchors to
anchor the standards to the wall.
(again, no studs)

I had a little help with this step..
I got my little man involved in helping
me screw the screws in....
I think he enjoyed himself!

Next was the fun part!
We put in the shelving brackets and
attached the wire shelves!
Easy as falling off a log!

Next I organized the sheets by size
and put them neatly on the shelves!

I always put my fitted sheet and
pillow cases folded inside the flat sheet...
the whole set is together and it
looks so much neater on the shelf.

Can you tell which side is the teenagers sheets and which side
belongs to the nine year old?

I decided to make these cute little tags to
further organize the space.

My Cricut Expresion to the rescue!!

So, there ya have it...
a nice, neat space that utilizes every
square inch of the closet!
I was able to fit everything from the old
storage system into this closet
with shelves to spare!

So just for fun,
here's the before and after one more time!

On Friday I'll be linking up to Traci @ Beneath My Heart
(she's having an organize your heart and home linky party,
so go link up your organization projects
there and here!!)

Domestically Speaking's Organizational Party
Thrifty Decor Chick's Before and After

Have a GREAT day

This linky list is now closed.


gail@My Repurposed Life said...

whoa girl! You've been busy! Great tute on how to make me look bad! heeheh I have terrible closets. I have a storage area in the bathroom most people would LOVE to have. But alas, I have it junked up. It's on the list to do, and probably wouldn't take me near as long to do as it did my clothes closet.
great job missy and missy's little helper! :)
I love a good makeover!

Traci@ Beneath My Heart said...

Wow! That looks great! Definitely worth the work! I love how you organized your sheets by size and added the cute tags. It's amazing how much tags can make a space look so much better. :)
Thanks for sharing about my party. :)
Have a blessed day!

Crystal Rose Cottage said...

You are being so productive for the New Year Missy! We did something similiar to our home when we moved here. There was too much wasted space on top so we went to Lowes too and put in extra shelving. Only I didn't do hubby did. I am not as adept as you with the construction but I am a great "supervisor"! lol
~xoxo, Patti

Michelle said...

Oh no!!! Now, I have linen closet lust...that can't be healthy!

Love your blog, btw!

Kristi @ Creative Kristi said...

I love how something simple can make you want to show off your closets lol I love when my linen closet looks awesome!
Thanks for hosting a linky! I linked up my latest organization post! Do you have a party button I can add to my post?

mommy Orkid Belle said...

Thanks for sharing! How much did you spend on this project? I was actually thinking of getting these wire shelving as well for my little one's room. I love, love, love it! It utilizes all that floor to ceiling space.

Adin B

My Cottage Charm said...

The whole closet was a little over $100.00..... It was cheaper than buying the wood and building shelves! :)

FairfieldHouse said...


Great job! Love how you got the little guy involved as well. I have one of these units in a bedroom closet. I found the unopened, sealed box at Good Will! I adore your tags.

Your Friend,

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

Missy~ this adds so much more functionality to that space! So organized and looks great, too!

Sara S. said...

Great job on that closet! Now to keep the boys using that organization system! (That's where all my dreams of having a clean organized home fall short - the OTHER residants!)

aimee said...

i bet you just feel so great having done such an awesome job! it looks wonderful.

Lettered Cottage said...

Nice and neat! Ahhhhhhh! :-)

Marilyn said...

I'd most likely have the same problem if I lived close to a Lowe's or Home Depot. Wally used to go to the Hardware store in Wiggins multiple times during his little projects. I really don't have much I need to work on, except clean--closets and the garage. But when it's only 9 degrees for the high, it's too cold for me to work out there. Does that mean I should be working in the house?

Thank you for your visits. They always lift my spirits exactly when I need it the most. You are God's gift to me! ♥♫

Diann @ The Thrifty Groove said...

Oooh...Oooh...Oooh....My closets next! Come on over, I'll make lunch!! LOL

Lynn said...

Nice job, Missy! What an improvement. I especially love the tags you made. Your tutorial is very helpful and inspiring. I'm a new follower to your blog and look forward to reading more in the days to come.
Best to you,
Lynn @ Cottage and Creek

Becky@OrganizingMadeFun said...

Super cute labels and great wire closet shelves! You did great! I love to organize too!

Becky B.
Organizing Made Fun

Mrs. Jones from the Circus said...

I surfed over from Traci's linky party.... and you have one going where I can play (because my closet is not finished). Thanks for allowing me to play along!

danae said...

visiting from 52 weeks of organizing! it looks fabulous & what a great way to utilize the height!

Terri Steffes said...

Gorgeous! I enjoyed seeing your makeover!

Anne said...

Beautiful work. I'd be scared to tackle something like that as hubby is always in charge of the cordless drill. I'd like to learn though.

Anonymous said...

Oh my! Your closet looks wonderful and you made it look so simple to install that closet system!! Everything looks wonderful. You should be so proud.
Thank you so much for popping in to see me.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Melissa Miller said...

It really looks wonderful and well organized. :)

Danielle said...

Posted the blog about the island you inspired me to build!! Thought you might want to check it out. :)

Susan said...

Your closet looks much better!!

Jayne said...

Looks great!

free standing closet said...

That looks great! Definitely worth the work!

Debbie said...

Great job on your closet!! I wanted to put some shelves in my craft room but the studs are in the wrong place. I had given up on the idea until I read how you did it. I'm going to do this on my wall instead of a closet now. Thanks for showing us how to do this!!

James Hemer said...

I really like the hard work that you have taken to make your shelves proper. This will really make your bedroom perfect.

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