Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Strawberry Freezer Jam--- Treasures & Trinkets Thursday!

I made strawberry freezer jam for the very first time,
 and if I had known it was that easy,
I would have done it a LONG time ago!

I started out with these...

Aren't they gorgeous!!

Of course I couldn't make jam without doing this....

Yes, this one was for me!

Let's get started!

First you wash and stem the fruit,
 then smoosh down enough to make
2 Cups, I used a pastry blender to mush them down,
but you could use a potato masher or whatever you have.
I don't pulverize them, just smoosh it down good, leaving some little chunks throughout.

My recipe said to start with 4 cups of fruit,
 but I found I had some left when
I tried to smoosh it down to just 2 cups.
 (that was ok for me, I made two batches)
I think I would just smoosh some and measure if I were doing it again,
until I got to the 2 cups of smooshed fruit.
(such technical terms!! LOL)

Put the fruit in a 4 qt kettle.
Gradually stir in 4 cups of sugar into the kettle
(yes you read that right...don't think about it, just pour it in!)
Add 1 Tbsp of lemon juice and let it sit for 10 minutes

Next you will need this..

I do this step after the fruit, sugar and lemon juice have set for about 5 minutes.
In a separate saucepan put the pectin (Jel Ease) and 3/4 cup of water together...
stirring constantly bring to a hard boil...let it cook 1 minute at that hard boil and then immediately stir
into the kettle of fruit.  Stir for a good 3 minutes.

It will look like this...

Next you will ladle your mixture into these.....

Nice CLEAN, canning jars. You don't HAVE to sterilize them for
freezer jam, but the recipe says it recommends it....
guess which one I did...or maybe that would be didn't do.

I just love canning jars...they serve so many purposes!
This is a pint jar, but you can buy 1/2 pints too,
which is probably what you should get for this recipe.
We just like freeze jam a LOT, so I figured we'd be able to breeze through
pint jars with ease. :)

Just ladle your fruity goodness into your jars and let them sit on the counter at room temperature for 24 hours, then store in freezer.  You can thaw your jam whenever you need it and it will keep for up to 3 weeks in the fridge. (but I promise it won't last that long!!)

I hope you'll try this recipe...easy, easy and OH so good!
As I type this, we have already gone through almost
one full jar...I told you it was good!
My mom made home-made butter and shared.. :)
 and I fixed biscuits last night...
talkin' about being yummy with my jam!

I'm linking up to:
 Feature yourself Friday @ Fingerprints on the fridge

Blessings & Hugs

It's Treasures and Trinkets Thursday so
1. Link up something you love (I love freezer jam!!)
2. Link it back to me (if you know how)
3. Grab my button if you don't mind. I won't remove you if you don't though..that's kinda mean. :)

Have fun!!

This linky list is now closed.


A Southern Rose said...

It looks delicious! I love strawberries. I've always wanted to try to do this too.

Jen said...

oooooh!!! Strawberry Jam = ♥ ! I will definately try this recipe, it does look simple, and delish! I am always so scared to try jam as once I burnt a batch of plum jam and it has put me off trying again coz I had to throw the saucepan out :(! But you have inspired me.. so you don't boil the fruit, just the pectin... I am reading that right aren't I?? ooh, I hope so, this is jam I could really make ;)!

My Cottage Charm said...

Jenny..yes, you read that cooking of the fruit! :) Easiest recipe in the whole world! (and also the tastiest!)YUMM-O!

Jen said...

ooooh yay Missy! I am definately gonna make it for sure! it sounds amazing, and so fresh!

The Polka Dot Closet said...

Jenny, thank your for stopping to see my chandelier I can't wait to see your $5 make over!!

I took a strawberry YUM!


Crystal Rose Cottage said...

Hey Kiddo! Thanks for your sweet message! I missed you too! Your strawberry jam does look so yummy! I love strawberry 'anything". Looks like a really easy recipe! My hubby is allergic to strawberries and I found out recently I am diabetic. I have a major sweet tooth so it has been hard to stay away from the sugar. Glad you liked my blog background but I got a message today that it was going to be automatically taken off this Friday! I used a new website but I thought it was free. Guess I was just gettting to do a free testdrive for a week! Oh well....I just installed a new one but not sure I am that happy with it. Meeting some Ohio bloggers this Saturday up in Mansfield , Oh. Should be fun! I will be posting about that when I get back. Have a great evening, Missy!~Hugs, Patti

Diann @ The thrifty Groove said...

Oh, that just made me drool all over my keyboard!!

Anonymous said...

What sumptuous berries and fantastic red color! We est them so quickly as soon as they get into the house there are never any left for jam.

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

I love freezer jam, too! My favorite was made with plums off a tree my parents used to have~ so good!

Lemon Lane Studio said...

You made it look so easy...I think I'll give it a try. Don't think it will make it to the freezer though especially with homemade biscuits. YUMMY! Glad your back, Patty

My Cottage Charm said...

Patty, each recipe makes three might get part of it to the freezer. :) (then again, if it goes like it does here...maybe not!)
Linda, never had plum freezer jam...hmmm, now you've got me thinking I need to try different fruits!
dogsmom...I had a REALLY hard time not standing there eating all those berries instead of making jam with them!!
OH PATTI, I'm sorry you're a diabetic..this post was not good for you! Maybe I should find a good sugar free recipe of something and send it to you. :)

Susan @ Blackberry Creek said...

Your strawberry jam is so pretty. Looking at it makes my mouth water.

Miri said...

Oh, this looks and sounds so good! I've made freezer jam but a bit differently...I cooked the fruit with sugar but no pectin.

My Shabby Streamside Studio said...

Thank you so much for your kind comments on my blog! Of course you can paint your big tools, too - but I must say I started painting mine so my dear hubby wouldn't use them and MISPLACE them!


Sandy @ My Shabby Streamside Studio

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