Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Treasures & Trinkets Thursday - Kewpie Love!

Today I'm sharing the sweetest little set of antique porcelain Kewpie figurines! This little set of Kewpies came from a yard sale WAY back in 1977. My mom bought them and later handed them down to me. I called her today to ask about what she remembered about them and she said she thinks she paid 1 buck for the whole set! (can't find yard sales like that anymore! lol) They came in a long box with a sticker on the end that said 1955, but I don't think that's when they were made...they "seem" older. (but I've been wrong once or twice before in my life) ;-)

Look at that little face, how could anyone resist that?~! You can't really tell from the picture, but it has little tears running down it's cheeks and he's rubbing his backside where he fell on it. Everyone say it with me, "ahhhhh, poor thing". :)

If you'll notice in the pictures each of the little kewpie babies are doing something sports related. There are two with ice skates.....

Two with tennis rackets...............

...and two with boxing cute!

I wish I knew a little more about these sweet little babies, so if you have any additional info, please let me in on it. :)

So what are you going to link up this week, cause I can't wait to see!

This linky list is now closed.


Diann @ The thrifty Groove said...

Hi Melissa!

woohoo! I'm first! Those little Kewpie dolls are an amazing little treasure! And the fact that they were handed down make them all themore precious!!

Crystal Rose Cottage said...

Those kewpies are too cute! I wonder what their story is?? So nice of your Mom to pass them down to you!~Hugs, Patti

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

How cute! Just love the old safety pins...

aimee said...

they are so unusual looking.i wonder what the story is behind them. very interesting.

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