Okay, here's what you need to do:
1. Link your treasure, it can be anything you love, as long as it's yours and in your home. Please put the page url, not just your blog site address....saves people from having to dig around to find your treasure. (digging for treasure, I made a funny!) LOL
2. Put a link back to my blog (out of the kindness of your heart)
3. I would also appreciate it if you would put my button on your blog (not absolutely necessary if you don't know how, but much appreciated if you do)
4. Have FUN!!
it's kind of plain.....
I've always wanted a fancy little chalkboard menu board for my kitchen and thought this would be the perfect place to put one.......
This is what I did.
I had this frame that I wanted to paint........
and before you choke and die because you think I'm going to paint an antique frame....don't worry, it only looks like wood, it's actually a dense plastic. :-) Doesn't it look real! You can't even tell it's plastic close up, you actually have to feel it to tell. ANYWAY, This is what it looked like before.....
First I primed it with Krylon white primer
Then I gave it three coats of Krylon Bright White paint.
I cut out a 16 x 20 piece of luan (frame inside dimensions)
and gave it three coats of this...
(best invention since sliced bread!) :)
Here's what it looks like all put together.
Don't forget to "prime" your chalkboard before you use it. By priming I mean take a piece of chalk and turn it on it's side and go over the entire surface of the board. (of course you wait till it's totally dry! I waited overnight before I primed mine)
I absolutely LOVE these roses!
I wish I had ten more arrangements just like em'!

Aren't they pretty?!
Again the BEFORE... and the AFTER! Much better don't ya think~!!
Any suggestions on how to store some chalk? I thought of painting and gluing a scrabble letter holder onto the frame somewhere.....any better suggestions than that?
How did you attach it to the door?...just a nail?
I have the same type of doors on my pantry and I have thought about painting the whole door or doing like you did.
I just used a screw and then put a strip of velcro on the bottom to keep it from flopping around when I open it up. :)
That is so gorgeous! I added my link for tomorrow and I'm going to add your button to my blog right now because I've been meaning to and kept forgetting:)
I love your chalkboard! I have got to do that one! I love the rose swag above it too and your kitchen is beautiful. I would love to link onto your blog with a trinket or treasure but I will have to think of something first. Maybe something will come to mind. It sounds fun.
Lee Laurie
Very pretty! Thanks for the how-to!
I'm visiting from Tip Junkie!
Melissa your chalkboard is such a great idea and so pretty, too. I found a great frame at my Goodwill not knowing what I was going to do with it...I might give this a try. btw, your kitchen is so pretty!
HI Melissa, this turned out wonderful. Hey I hung a rake head upside down and laid my chalk on that. I live in a farmhouse so country items are not unusual....it didn't take up a lot of room because it wasn't the whole head. I also put an eraser on it next to the chalk. Turned out cute. Love your adorable blog!
Blessings, come by for a visit when you can!
Melissa, it's GORGEOUS! And your flowers on top make it the piece de'resistance! The ornate frame looks so pretty in white! I have a similar frame I madein my kitchen but I put magnetic paint first then the chalkboard...same general idea. No ideas, for the chalk though because my frame has a groove in it at the top that happens to hold the chalk. ohh, maybe you could paint a clothspin and pretty a pretty bow on it or some old buttons on it and glue it to the board in the corner. Then clasp the chalk with the clip? I have vintage buttons (from my husbands grandmother) that I've glued a magnet on the back as the magnets on my board.
What a great way to dress up a door! Love it! Coming over from Shabby Chic Cottage. New follower!
Great post!!! I love your kitchen too! I am your newest follower!
How cute is this idea! I just love your kitchen too. So warm and cozy. I love your whole blog look. Thanks for commenting so I could find you!
Hi Melissa....I just found your blog and I love it! Your kitchen is darling and I love the story how your hubby bought you the tiered stand. So cute! Your how-to's are very informative too! Love your blog background!~Patti
Hi, your blog is so pretty! Love this chalkboard. What is luan? Thanks! Also where did you find your blog design? Love it!
LOVE IT! That is so adorable! Thanks for linking up to Thrifty Thursday and sharing this week! I hope you will come back to visit me soon. If you haven't already, be sure to enter the giveaway.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Tales from Bloggeritaville
Great blog, thanks for inviting me!
I will put you in my blogroll ;-)
Love your menu board. I just did one on Monday and linked to it. Love your blog.
This turned out great. I to love the roses. Very nice indeed.
Thanks for joining Get Your Craft on Thurs. Please join me next week for another great party.
I love the chalkboard and look forward to making one for my kitchen, thanks for the idea. Maybe hang your chalk with ribbon.
Beautiful! I have recently fell in love with chalk LOL. I found these fantastic chalk pens!!! They are water soluble BUT they don't just rub off like regular chalk. Plus, they come in a huge variety of colors. Once you write on your chalkboard surface, wait a minute and voila! You can rub your hand over it without smearing or taking it off yet, use a little water and it comes right off. For putting the pen on there...how about a magnet? The pens come in a set of 4 or 5 colors so you could put magnets on all of them then put a strip of steel at the bottom or sides to hold all the pens or use a smaller piece of steel for only one pen. Just a thought!
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